Essential Oils
Essential oils contain highly-concentrated nutrients from herbs, spices and plants. For example, it takes almost 100 pounds of rose petals to make one drop of essential rose oil. Whatever nutrients the plants have, the oils allow you to receive these benefits in the maximum amount.In a desperate attempt to speed up my brain's healing process, I did a lot of research to find some unconventional solutions to help my brain out. I have had great luck using essential oils. The theory is that only certain sizes of molecules can pass through your brain's filtering system while harmful chemicals are usually filtered out. Only certain essential oils are able to permeate the brain barrier and may help heal your symptoms.
Here is an article briefly explaining the brain barrier and essential oils:
I did a whole lot of research on which essential oils help your brain the most only to realize that Young Living's "Brain Power" essential oil contains all of these oils in one bottle. I have heard that Frankincense helps the most with brain injury patients.
I thought applying a simple oil to your skin would not help, but it does. I was using Young Living's "Stress Away" and "Believe" almost everyday ("Believe" contains Frankincense) and I noticed that my mood was improved and my brain was functioning just a little sharper. I could definitely tell which days I did not use it because my thought process felt more foggy and I felt exhausted and groggy.
How To Use The Oils
Take a few drops and apply it to the back of your neck where it meets your skull, on the sides or wherever you have pain. If you are interested in reflexology, you can apply a few drops to your big toes too and rub it in. Do this as often as you like. Some TBI patients swear they experienced the most improvement when they applied the oil to their big toes instead of their neck.
Here is an article about a TBI patient and her experience with Frankincense:
The oils are pretty pricey, but one bottle will last a long time and it is completely worth it. Visit to purchase some oils. I recommend Young Living because they are the oils I am familiar with. Some cheaper brands are not pure or high quality oils so they do not work as well as Young Living oils. I have also heard that Young Living oils from Amazon may have been tampered with or diluted, so I do not recommend using Amazon either.
The Best Oils For The Brain:
2. Sandalwood
3. Cedarwood
4. Lavendar
5. Blue Cypress
6. Helichrysum